Tears to Shed
If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain(如果碰觸熱灼的燭火,我不會感到痛楚)
In the ice or in the sun it's all the same(酷寒或烈日下依然毫無所覺)
Yet I feel my heart is aching(但我卻感到心痛)
Though it doesn't beat it's breaking(雖然沒了心跳我卻心碎了)
And the pain here that I feel(心痛的感覺)
Try and tell me it's not real(告訴我不是真的)
I know that I am dead(我知我已萎落)
Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed(卻還是停不了眼淚)